Camp Keramika - Hracholusky Reservoir

Boat rentals on the Vltava - Southern Bohemia



Hello all boys,

please advise some good and cheap rental of boats and boats on the Vltava river in South Bohemia.


Ali D's picture
Ali D 23. March 2015 - 13: 16
I want to buy a boat for 4 people and I do not know it at all. The boat will also be used for fishing. Please, please, or recommend a boat. Thanks
Midara's picture
midara 22. February 2015 - 20: 58
It was good to see Do you have a comparison of rentals according to the price of renting and the possibility of online reservation, so the comfort :)
Panther's picture
Panther 6. December 2014 - 17: 17
Hi, I can recommend Cvok rental. Or CK Cvok. This rental is part of the Pisárna camp, so it is with accommodation. Rentals are cheap and take care of you. They import, ship, etc. Here link (copy URL)

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