Camp Keramika - Hracholusky Reservoir

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Kocik's picture
kocik 28. November 2020 - 18: 31
I was in the Vranov camp only once, but unfortunately I did not stay in it. It was last year or the year before and just in full season. We made a weekend autotrip with an overnight stay under a tent, with the proviso that wherever we go, we will be there. Well, we arrived in Vranov and since the local kenp is famous, we headed here in the evening. The lady at the reception winked at us in disbelief and said that if we could find a place, when we returned, she would enroll us. We didn't quite understand the laxity until we went inside. Head to head, tent on tent and not a single place for our little tent we did not find. So we just drove through the camp and drove on. damage. It looked very nice there and I would really like to stay here, although probably better out of season. :-)
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