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Reviews and Ratings for Camping, Chalets, Guest Houses

Here you can find a list of the best rated accommodation in category: camps, chalets, resorts, guest houses, apartments, etc. from all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia. You can see your reviews for each device separately. Reviews and recommendations are found next to each facility / object below the presentation.

Rating - Add review

In case you have not found your favorite among rated campsites, camps or guesthouses and would like to share your experiences and holiday experiences, so do not hesitate to add a review and this even without necessity login, or registration. You will contribute to improving the services of tourism, holiday accommodation and tourism ...



Rating - campsites and resorts

TOP 20 - Camping reviews Czechia


Rating - cottages and cottages

TOP Cottages - Reviews


Rating - guesthouses and apartments

Top 20 Reviews - pensions Czech and Slovakia

