Camp Keramika - Hracholusky Reservoir

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Mifko's picture
mifko 28. November 2020 - 12: 42
I have a strong emotional connection to the Vranovská Reservoir, famous as the "MORAVIAN ADRIATIC", actually to this recreation complex in general !!! The first prank, the first "LOVE", later a holiday with the family. My memories are stored in my heart and in my photos. Happy camping among the trees, which provided pleasant shade from the hot sun, also the old boat ferry across the bay, which today has been replaced by a luxurious bridge. Morning view of sandy beach and sparkling calm water surface. Daily walks in the diverse surroundings, mushroom picking. A pleasant evening sitting in a local restaurant with a glass of wine, there's a lot of it..... From your website I can see a big change and modernization of this holiday location. I would very much like to go here again, see everything with my own eyes, thanks to you, this competition, and revive my memories and compare them with the present, return to my youth in this impeccable environment with a varied use of free time. And I would definitely go with my son Jakub, just like 20 years ago, he would watch.
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