Camp Keramika - Hracholusky Reservoir


When you want to shorten your time at Kratochvil Castle

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The next day after our visit to the revolving auditorium, when literally bursting into our shoes during the theater performance, as I mentioned in the previous article, we have traveled in the footsteps of history on Chateau Kratochvíle. This is because we like to visit the locks, but also because the weather was somewhat unstable and it seemed like it could start to rain every minute. From Český Krumlov, the castle is about forty miles away, so it was not enough for three quarters of an hour and we were there.

Originally a hunting lodge, it was built in 1583 by Vilém of Rožmberk on the site of a farmyard called Leptáč. The construction of the entire chateau was completed in six years. The dominant feature of the surroundings of the Kratochvíle chateau is, in addition to the beautifully maintained garden, also the moat that surrounds it. A part of the chateau complex is also a church, which was built in the same period. After the Rosenbergs, the chateau was owned by Emperor Rudolf II, followed by the Eggenbergs and the Schwarzenbergs. In the 20s, the castle was nationalized.

At present, there are four sightseeing tours available to visitors, two of them in the interiors of the chateau, another in the chateau gardens and the last in the adjacent Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. We chose the main sightseeing route and we did not regret it. The interiors of the chateau are beautifully restored and equipped with interesting exhibits.

Because the weather eventually worsened, we did not even guided the tour of the castle garden, which the local gardener (or gardeners?) Had to dabble. And the result is definitely worth it. The herb garden, which is part of it, is also very nice. Well, and the next day, we were already waiting to move further south, specifically to Dolni Vltavice, where we had secured accommodation in pension Maják.






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