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Weekend mushrooming - Úněšov, Spálený les

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My wife Misha wanted to pull me up a month ago. We tried to search around the outlook tower Krkavec. However, it is a forest part, which is just swarming with people. The chances of success were scarce and the quality of the mushrooms found corresponded to it, just a disaster. That's why I decided to find another location. Mushroomers do not want to disclose their places, so I tried it myself. As a locality I chose the village Úněšov - part of the Burnt Forest. As you can see, the choice was right and therefore we decided to share this location, because the mushroom is really infinity .. cool

After driving 1-2 km we have warm tea in the forest and enjoy a nice autumn morning. angel

We are not very experienced mushroom pickers yet, but we will recognize sample mushrooms and Cossacks ..wink

The search for mushrooms was standard. I even managed to accidentally crush a Suchohřib ...frown

Daughter found the prettiest pieces

... and then we discovered the Bedlí family. Unfortunately, we only put 4 pieces in the basket, there was simply no room. But we found at least 10-15 of them all the time. I didn't eat better steaks. Even our Kája does not eat both mushrooms and made an exception at Bedlí ...cheeky

After about an hour of marching we give another pause for refreshment ..

I was already happy with the "catch". But Míša kept saying that it was still not enough. At times she was obsessed with the hunt for a giant mushroom .... Fortunately we didn't find one, because I would have to wear it ... crying. After the next march we come across another group of mushroom pickers. We basket half full, they too. Hub is really a lot here ...Yes

We find "tons" of such mushrooms ... We just felt like in a mushroom paradise ... :)

On the way back we find a nice meadow, so we join, everything we have and goes on. The mushroom basket seemed heavy to me. I dare him at home and find out that I had to carry 5 kg for several kilometers through the woods ...surprise

From the forest we return to the village of Úněšov and have a kofola in a local pub. This family, weekend trip was definitely worth it. We dry everything, make some mushroom spices from a part of the mushrooms and wrap Bedle like a steak. heartwink

We will return to these places repeatedly, but with more baskets ... angelcool

  • Location: Úněšov, district Plzeň - sever
  • Part: Burnt Forest






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